Game Analysi
Okami’s initial sales were “huge failure”, says director Hideki Kamiya
Okami was a “huge failure” in terms of initial sales, director Hideki Kamiya has said. Had it been more successful,…
Game Analysi
Final Fantasy 14’s server capacity increased by “roughly 50%” compared to launch of Endwalker
Square Enix has shared its plans to ease congestion in Final Fantasy 14 ahead of the launch of its new…
Game Analysi
Bethesda feels no need to rush out a new Fallout, despite franchise’s current popularity boost
Fallout has seen a renewed spike in popularity following the release of Amazon’s TV adaptation. However, despite this, Bethesda doesn’t…
Game Analysi
Devolver announces roguelike kung-fu fighter Forestrike from Olija developer
Devolver has announced Forestrike, a “tactical kung-fu fighter” from the developer of Olija. Players will take the role of martial…