White Night Aurora, New Moon Peer, Dark Mark: Hitomi and P5X are all being tested, and I’m filling out questionnaires like it’s an exam

Today seems to be some kind of “auspicious day in the gaming world”.So far this morning, at least 3 new pan-gen titles (4 if you count yesterday) that have received a lot of attention have released their first PVs, live demos, etc., and announced their recent test dates. At the same time, several other titles have finalized their testing dates and even their official launch dates.It’s been a long time since we’ve seen such a buzz of new releases.
Goddess Uncharted: Phantom of the Night.
The SEGA-licensed, ATLUS-involved, Perfect World Games-developed “Uncharted Goddesses: The Phantom of the Night” has released its pilot PV and its first PV with live content today, as well as starting the recruitment for the “sneak test”.
From the video content released so far, the style of the handheld game and P5 are very similar, and the scene shaping and UI layout are also in line with each other.
In terms of plot, the handheld game introduces a new protagonist and appears to be a new story presented under the P5 worldview.
2. White Nights Aurora.
The official number of White Night Aurora has today released the “Launch Test Animation OP”. After receiving its license number at the end of last year, White Night Aurora has been in the midst of a pre-promotion rhythm and has been updated more regularly recently, with several PVs and videos introducing the game’s content.
White Night Aurora’s international service has already been launched in overseas markets, making it the only one of this batch of new releases to “return to China with its achievements”.
Crescent Moon.
A second PV for New Moon was released today, announcing the “Orange Level Test”. The new PV includes a live demo of the game, which shows some of the turn-based card design.
Crescent Moon has previously received attention for its inclusion of a bit of urban weirdness in familiar locations and the light-hearted yet quirky style of the first PV, and this PV maintains a similarly playful style.
4. Dark Sign: Hitomi.
Another game that includes new weird story elements, “Code: Hitomi”, was also announced yesterday on all platforms for its upcoming “pilot test”.
According to the information previously released, “The Darkness: Hitomi” is a product with horizontal action as the main fighting style, and the official website currently shows that the number of reservations has reached 1.49 million.
Meanwhile, several other non-secondary products have also set their test/launch dates today.
The “Divine Dragon Test” for the handheld game “New Dragon”, developed by Changyou and published by Tencent, was announced to open on 3.22.
Magic Handheld 2, developed by NetDragon and published by Kingsoft World, announced that it will be officially launched on 3.23.
In addition, TeamRanger Studio developed and Thunder published the single player/online game, FPS + tower defence game “Reloaded Outpost”, which was also announced today as a small-scale beta test.
Previous developments released by the studio expect the game to be released this year, live on Steam.
It’s a bit surprising to see a number of significant new releases in one day in a row.
But along with this came another unexpected feeling: for the first time, I experienced that signing up for a beta test and filling out various recruitment questionnaires could also feel like taking an exam.
If you don’t believe me, you can try filling in four or five in a row like I did.
This experience was something I had never imagined before, probably because the industry is really picking up and getting better.