Game Analysi

Jedi Battlefield: Godspeed! Come to the perspective of the anchor and take you to the final round of the professional training tournament!

When it comes to the gods players in Jedi survival battlefield, many people feel that the anchor’s skills are the superior ones! But with the global fever of the stimulation battlefield, there are also let many gods chicken players began to throw themselves into the professional arena. With high intensity training every day and a variety of cardinal points to work with, there may be a difference between the skills of the anchor and those of the pros on a technical level. And currently many first- and second-tier anchors, they are not only doing live streaming on one side, the other side is also considered half of the professional players.

Recently, while watching Paozi’s live stream, you were also fortunate enough to see a Stimulation Battlefield professional training match. Most of the players competing in that room were pros, some of whom also held the identities of both a main streamer and a Warlord high roller. The teams were all aiming to survive to the end, so there might not be the same kind of tussle in terms of combat feel as in a roadie game. However, in this serious game, you can find a lot to learn from this kind of game!

For example, when it comes to searching for supplies, a four-man professional squad will divide up and search in small areas. The searches are all tacitly limited to about 3 minutes, which is the time it takes to make the first circle reduction. In the road game, the average player’s material search time is basically in the first 3 circles of the opening game. No three-stage sets no fights, M416 under-matching no right gun and so on these low-end phenomenon, in the Roadrunner Bureau really see too much!

After a short search, the team of 4 also chose to move together. The purpose of the collective action was not to find someone else to shoot, but to take advantage of their position and get a better shot. As this was a professional training match, all the players present had their own strong gunning skills, so there was no significant difference in skill level. If both teams choose to fight hard, it is easy for both teams to lose. Therefore, in professional training matches, all teams are very cautious.

The difference with the road game is that the head-to-heads in training matches are mostly in the second half of the game. As a direct result, there were 40 survivors in a safe zone of less than 500 metres in diameter (the number of participants was less than 90). This is a situation that is basically difficult to encounter in a road game with less than 4800 points.

Then, when it came to the real final lap, a fast-paced rainforest drawdown saw the field shrink from 29 to 20 people in an instant. You can imagine how intimidating 20 people in a small place can be! And the team that Baozi was on at the time was still surviving with a full formation. Seeing this kind of final round, as the audience said: it was like a fight of the gods!

Although this game, Baozi’s team only got the third place, and did not play the kind of big kill like in the euthanasia game. But it also showed us the skill gap between the pros and the average players. The short game of professional training also showed the downside of stimulating battlefield matches. Throughout the game, there was a prolonged jam for each team, so it was inevitable that the viewers would be bored in terms of the sense of combat. And maybe these are the reasons why the anchors prefer to go to the fishbowl and blow up the fish!

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