Tournament Analysis

LPL: The six sons of former champions IG are now saddening! Popularity is still too high

The Six Sons of Champion IG.Theshy, Duke, Ning, Rookie, Jackeylove and Baolan are six people whose names have a special place in the hearts of LPL viewers. Not only were they the most offensive lineup to ever play in the S8 season, they were also the lineup that won the first Global Finals for the LPL. However, five years have passed and now all six are still playing in the LPL, but their performance is saddening!

Ning+Baolan After retiring for a while, the two wildcards of the six sons made a comeback in this year’s UP team. At first, Ning was a good player, but as the intensity of the game progressed, the version changed, and the team’s own lineup adjusted, he was pretty much just a picture of a crazy team getting killed. The only thing that remains the same compared to the IG era is probably his recklessness in opening up the team, but a player who can’t adapt to any situation is doomed to be eliminated.

Baolan, on the other hand, is as good as ever, especially when it comes to regaining the titan, and many people are crying out for the right taste. ning and Baolan both topped the list of deaths in this year’s spring season, especially ning who is already at the top of the list. The two retired players are back in the game but not at the top level of competition, which is the main reason. ning is not too old to be the FMVP of S8, so this is a sad situation.

R&D top singles and best midfielders.

Theshy’s popularity in the LPL is high, so high that no matter how many times he is killed in battle and how many times he is soloed, as long as he has one great game the others are immediately and selectively forgotten for a while. Research and development is a stigma on Theshy, mainly due to the frequent 1-3, 1-5, 1-7, 1-9 and even 1-dozen. This year, Theshy has played a lot of tank heroes, and he even played a King’s Coronet first while playing a Stoner today. Dying less might turn out to be Theshy’s credo nowadays. How can one not be saddened by the fact that he doesn’t even touch the Four Sisters nowadays, compared to the Sword Demon who came down from the river gods back in the day?

Rookie has looked uneventful over the years, the biggest pots are not his turn, and when he tries his best, he is there. Compared to those midfielders who are still licking their chops, Rookie is now more like a regimen. The best he can do is also becoming a stigma on him now, never mind whether he is C or not, as long as the big pot is not him, then he is doing his best. It is indeed a change from the days when he used to play Jace and Demonji and kill people in the middle.

From “Q catcher” to “brown brother” to “rotten milk”.

Jackeylove has had one of the worst seasons of his career, and it shows in the number of stems. As Jackeylove maintains a very rough lane style, in addition to still taking Q kills, “brown” has gradually become the most accurate description of him that people accept. This season has seen the emergence of the “curd” series, with a new curd being added to the list today after being blown away by ELK’s play in two games, as ELK has a harmonic streak.

Jackeylove, who started at the top of his game in 2018, made a name for himself when he performed a flash play against KT. Even in S9 he was arguably IG’s Carry player, but since S10 he has had more and more slots on him, whether this has anything to do with him having a girlfriend we don’t know. At least in recent years, Jackeylove has not brought much positive impact to the team. In terms of his performance in the ADC position this year, he is currently not in the top 5.

Not what it used to be.

Duke has not shown much talent as a coach at NIP, and with IG winning the title 5 years ago, it’s probably normal for pros to go downhill as they get older. It’s just that as former members of the first LPL champions, they still have too much influence in the LPL today. For example, with the comeback of Ning and Baolan, even if UP’s record sucks, as long as these two are around, there is no shortage of talk and buzz. Maybe it’s time for them to be replaced, but in a sense they can’t be.

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